25 Nov

What do you get when you combine the magic of Santa with the social-emotional goodness of teaching kids the art of giving? 

The book, Secret Santas and the Twelve Days of Christmas Giving written by Courtney Petruzzelli and illustrated by Melissa B. Snyder!

There is no shortage of Christmas books tied to traditions, but this one is a clear standout because the focus is on creating and giving to others and spreading joy. 

The book starts by welcoming kids into a secret group, selected by Santa himself, to help spread the magic of Christmas by choosing a person or family that could use a little extra love on the 12 days leading up to Christmas. 

The enchanting rhyme and GORGEOUS illustrations provide children with a list of ways how to bless their chosen recipient. From mittens and blankets to baking and crafting, I love how the story gives ideas without making a strict day by day plan to follow-so each family can make it work for them. 

The look on LJ’s face the first time we read it was absolutely priceless. In fact, I really wish I would have set up a camera and captured that moment. It was the perfect mixture of pride and wonder at the fact that Santa chose HIM (and Wallace). 

He launched instantly into making plans. One idea he had that I LOVED, was to bring gifts to the animals at the Humane Society. After deciding it would be tough to do that in secret, we chose to just surprise the animals with treats and presents another day. 

We have selected a Secret Santa family and have created a rough outline of what we will be giving for the 12 days and we are eagerly waiting to get started. Seeing my almost 5 year old more excited at being a Secret Santa and giving rather than receiving gifts himself is the most beautiful thing! This may be my favorite Christmas tradition ever! 

You can buy the book here:


You can check out the book’s social media pages here: 



Follow along on my Instagram as I post about our 12 days (the idea is anonymous giving, but I will share craft instructions, recipes, etc)! 

Happy Holidays! 


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